Millenium Development Goals Millenium Development Goals    
Achieving the Goals
Capacity Building
Gender Equality
Child Mortality
Maternal Health
HIV/AIDS, other diseases
Global Partnership
Bullet Image East Asia & the Pacific
Bullet Image Europe & Central Asia
Bullet Image Latin America & the Caribbean
Bullet Image Middle East & North Africa
Bullet Image South Asia
Bullet Image Sub-Saharan Africa

The broad scope of Bank research, and of the Millennium Development Goals themselves, means that there is not a specific Bank research program devoted to attaining the MDGs. Rather, various aspects of the overall research program can be easily mapped to specific goals and targets. For example, Bank research on education has clear relevance to the MDG education targets, Bank research on health supports the MDG health targets, and so forth. More broadly, because the Bank's overall research program is dedicated to poverty reduction, even research areas that do have an immediate and obvious link to the MDGs, such as domestic finance, trade, and governance, are nonetheless important to the MDGs overall poverty reduction goals


General papers

Topical papers

Country Studies


General papers

Prepared as background material for Ministers’ discussion at the Spring 2003 Development Committee meeting on a framework for monitoring policies and actions for achieving the MDGs and related outcomes. It describes the conceptual framework underlying the proposed monitoring framework and reviews a range of policy indicators and supporting data to develop an assessment of the current status of policies (World Bank, IMF, 2003).

This paper reviews global progress towards the MDGs during the 1990s. The picture that emerges shows uneven patters across regions and countries and between different socio-economic groups within the same country (UNDP, 2002).

Offers a visual and graphical overview of global progress toward the MDGs. The document is organized by goals and includes selected country and regional information (United Nations, OECD, IMF, World Bank, 2000).

  • Better Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing for Development Results

First Roundtable

The papers from the conference address ways for development agencies, including the Multilateral Development Banks, to develop results-focused corporate cultures and incentives. 

Second Roundtable

The papers discuss the challenges of managing for development results at the country level and the ways in which countries and development agencies are addressing these issues on the ground.

Reviews the progress of low-income countries in implementing the Comprehensive Development Framework principals. Countries making good progress generally perform better and are more likely to achieve the MDGs by 2015 (World Bank, 2003).

  • Global Monitoring Report

Drawing attention to priorities for action and related accountabilities, the report provides an integrated assessment of the policies and actions needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (World Bank, 2004).

Estimates how much additional aid would be required for countries to be able to attain the MDGs. If countries improve their policies and institutions, the additional foreign aid necessary by 2015 is between $40-$60 billion a year (World Bank, 2002).

  • Human Development Report 2003 

Devoted to assessing where the greatest problems are in achieving the MDGs. It analyzes what needs to be done to reverse the setbacks and offers concrete proposals on how to accelerate progress towards the goals. It also explains the Millennium Development Compact, which provides a broad framework for how national development strategies and international support can be better aligned to help countries achieve the MDGs (UN, 2003).

  • Millennium Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Prepared for the Millennium Summit. The Secretary-General discusses six shared values, reflecting the spirit of the Charter, which are particularly relevant to the new century: Freedom; Equity and Solidarity; Tolerance; Non-Violence; Respect for Nature; and Shared Responsibility (UN, 2000).

Outlines the goals and potential strategies for action to meet the commitments made in the Millennium Declaration (UN, 2001).

  • Second Regional Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies 

The papers of the conference review and exchange experiences on the development of poverty reduction strategies in East Asian countries; identify obstacles and challenges in designing and implementing strategies; and derive lessons for next steps and for replication in other developing countries (ADB, IMF, UNDP, and World Bank, 2003).

  • Targets and Indicators for MDGs and PRSPs: What Countries Have Chosen to Monitor

    Compares the targets and indicators of the MDGs with the measurable targets and indicators set by thirty two countries whose Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) have been accepted by the Boards of the World Bank and the IMF by April 2003 and published on the PRSP website (World Bank, 2002).

  • United Nations Millennium Declaration

Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 189 countries signed this monumental document and by doing so affirmed their commitment to achieving the eight goals that now make up the MDGs (UN, 2000).

  • World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People

Focuses on basic services, particularly health, education, water, and sanitation, seeking ways of making them work for poor people (World Bank, 2003).

Topical papers


Addresses measurement issues related to poverty and questions whether $1 per day is a valid poverty norm. It also explores the relationship between growth and poverty (UNDP, 2002).

Assesses progress in reducing consumption poverty in developing and transition economies and finds that there was a net decrease during the period 1987-98 (World Bank, 2001).


  • Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health 

Explains the health challenges poor people face and suggests strategies to achieve the MDGs. The report focuses on communicable diseases and maternal and perinatal health (WHO, 2001).

  • Rising to the Challenges

Addresses multidimensional health issues related to the MDGs and strategies to move closer to achieving the goals (World Bank, 2004).


  • Education for All Global Monitoring Report

Charts progress against the six goals and targets established at the World Education Forum (Dakar, 2000). It also highlights effective policies and strategies and alerts the global community to emerging challenges for action and cooperation. Drawing upon the latest available data, it sets out a framework for reform (UNESCO, 2002).


Focuses on gender issues and their broad economic and social implications in developing countries. The report examines the conceptual and empirical links between gender, public policy, and development outcomes and demonstrates the value of applying a gender perspective to the design of development policies. The evidence presented shows that societies that discriminate by gender pay a high price in terms of their ability to develop and to reduce poverty (World Bank, 2001).


Global Partnership for Development

Assesses how the World Bank’s country, sector, and global programs are helping clients work toward the MDGs and related targets. The findings of the report indicate that the Bank’s work is consistent with the MDG themes (World Bank, 2002).

Reviews progress on the eighth goal regarding the global partnership for development. It specifically addresses aid, trade, and debt relief (UNDP, 2002). 

  • The Role and Effectiveness of Development Assistance: Lessons from World Bank Experience

Prepared for the United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development. It analyzes the changing roles and effectiveness of development assistance during the past 50 years. The authors describe how the goals and forms of development assistance have changed over time and conclude that because of these changes and improvements in the policies, institutions, and governance of developing countries, aid is more effective at reducing poverty today than ever before (World Bank, 2002).

Country Studies


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